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Roger Louis Goodwin retired from the federal government in 2018. He has 19 years' experience with several government agencies.
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Roger L. Goodwin - Summit Point, WV |
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Publications by the author.
Roger L O U I S Goodwin
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Roger Louis Goodwin - Quora
Roger Louis Goodwin, former Program Analyst at U.S. Government Publishing Office (2007-2018). Roger Louis Goodwin Roger Louis Goodwin retired from the ...
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Roger L Goodwin is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Roger L Goodwin and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and ...
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Publications by the author.
Roger Louis Goodwin
Roger Louis Goodwin retired from the federal government in 2018. He has 19 years' experience with several government agencies. Two of the agencies are ...
Roger Goodwin | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Roger L. Goodwin (@RogerGo61763517). Roger L. Goodwin is a retired employee from the federal government. Summit Point, WV.
Roger Louis Goodwin | IDEAS/RePEc
Roger Louis Goodwin: current contact information and listing of economic research of this author provided by RePEc/IDEAS.
Roger L . Goodwin |
Roger Louis Goodwin retired from the federal government after 19 years. Roger Louis Goodwin completed statistical assignments on many computer platforms, which include PCs, Vax VMS OS, and Unix OS. He developed reports for cost, progress, and billing reports in SAS, Oracle, and SAP Business Objects.
(PDF) Thirty-four Closed Summation Formulas and Proofs | Roger L O U I S Goodwin -
CRC's Standard Math Tables [CRC, p. 52] contains ten closed formulas; the remaining formulas presented in this manuscript are intuitively obvious; appear in the econometrics literature and in the statistics literature e.g. [G. S. Maddala, p. 410-11; R. V. Hogg and E. A. Tanis, p. 152]. Sums appear in the econometrics literature and the statistics literature under discrete distributions. Generally, the sum is counting the number of combinations of the occurrence of a random event. But, this does not always have to be the case. This manuscript gives a proof for most of the formulas presented. Chapter 3 outlines a general method for finding closed sums.
(PDF) Green Sheets | Roger L O U I S Goodwin -
Here are the green sheets for the "Watch Onn" antenna for HD televisions based on Eastern Standard Time. These pages contain the popular shows from the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's like Wonder Woman, Baywatch, Six Million Dollar Man, Star Trek, Gilligan's Island, Law & Order, Walker: Texas Ranger, The Nanny, etc.
Class Notes in Probability, Statistics, and Operations Research | Ars Mathematica
Editor's Note: In graduate school, it became too cumbersome for me to look-up equations, theorems, proofs, and problem solutions from previous courses. I had three boxes full of notes and was going on my fourth. Due to the need to reference my notes periodically, the notes became more unorganized over time. That's when I decided to typeset them. I have been doing this for over a decade. Later in life, some colleagues asked if I could make these notes available to others (they were talking about themselves). I did. These notes can be downloaded for free from the web site and can be found in the Library of Congress. Note that the beginning of each chapter lists the professor's name and affiliation. Additionally, the course number, the date the course was taken, and the text book are given. The reader may also notice that I have made more use of the page space than in the previous editions of this manuscript. Hence, the book is shorter. If this causes the reader problems, then simply copy the proofs onto a blank sheet of paper --- one line per algebraic manipulation. In this text, I put several algebraic manipulations on one line to save space.
Roger L. Goodwin - dblp
Sep 16, 2020 — Roger L. Goodwin: Load Balancing Run-Times and Space Usage for Computing the Power Set. IPDPS Workshops 2020: 490-501. [+][–] ...
dblp: Roger L. Goodwin
List of computer science publications by Roger L. Goodwin
Weighted Standard Deviational Curve
This article presents the weighted data features of the standard deviational curve (SDC). Similar data features exist for the standard deviational ellipse (SDE). This paper presents weighted data features for the SDC which include the angle of rotation, the minimum and maximum standard deviation, the area, and the circulatory index. Performed correctly, weighted features give a better use of the areal data points. The additional computations of weighted data features are no more difficult than those of the unweighted data features.
Intuitive Data Editing Examples | Semantic Scholar
Roger L. Goodwin. This paper summarizes two systems for editing inconsistent data. The two systems are based on the Fellegi-Holt paradim. The systems are ...
Calculating the Most Expensive Printing Jobs
As the SAS manual states, the macro facility is a tool for extending and customizing SAS and for reducing the amount of text that the programmer must enter to do common tasks [SAS Institute, (2)]. Programmers use SAS macros for mundane, repetitive tasks. In this application, we present a SAS macro that calculates the top twenty most expensive printing jobs for each Federal agency. Given the request for the top twenty most expensive printing jobs, it became apparent that this request would become repetitive [H. Paulson (1)]. The US Government Printing Office anticipated an increase for financial summaries from government agencies and developed the following SAS macro specifically for Treasury’s request. GPO has contracts with most Federal government agencies to procure print. GPO can produce a report for the top twenty most expensive printing jobs for each Federal agency. This, of course, assumes the agency does business with GPO.
Basic Warehouse Inventory : BWI : version 1.0.
The Basic Warehouse inventory (BWI) is a software package that comes with an instruction manual. BWI tracks merchandise that has been ordered, received, and delivered. The BWI program is intended for use by centrally organized distributors (merchants) for a line of merchandise. Merchandise is bought by the user (namely you), shipped to the user, and delivered to local stores and customers by the user. BWI can be used as a point-of-sale program. The supplier agrees to ship merchandise to the user at a certain price --- your cost. The user sells that merchandise at a higher price --- the retail price. The BWI software creates purchase orders (PO’s) in addition to many other statements.
Choosing between the Regression Correlation, the Rank Correlation, and the Correlation Curve
This paper presents a rank correlation curve. The traditional correlation coefficient is valid for both continuous variables and for integer variables using rank statistics. Since the correlation coefficient has already been established in rank statistics by Spearman, such a calculation can be extended to the correlation curve. This paper presents two survey questions. The survey collected non-continuous variables. We will show weak to moderate correlation. Obviously, one question has a negative effect on the other. A review of the qualitative literature can answer which question and why. The rank correlation curve shows which collection of responses has a positive slope and which collection of responses has a negative slope. Such information is unavailable from the flat, "first-glance" correlation statistics.
Algorithm Complexity
The book Algorithm Complexity Analysis and Theory gives an overview of some common data structures in Computer Science; commonly used proofs; a few NP algorithms; and a brief introduction to complexity theory from a journal review.
[PDF] The GenBounds Software for Generating a Complete Set of Ratio Edits: %Implied User's Guide - Semantic Scholar
We present documentation for running the GenBounds software, new SAS programs for generating the implicit edits from a given set of explicit ratio edits. We have developed two separate programs: one written in SAS/IML and one written in SAS/OR. The first program is designed for production processing and the second is designed for edit development. Both programs are submitted using the same macro driver routine, %Implied, and are available from ESMPD and SRD.
Modernization of the Economic Price Adjustment Software
The US Consumer Price Indices (CPIs) measures hundreds of items in the US economy. Many social programs and government benefits index to the CPIs. The purpose of this project is to modernize an existing process. This paper will show the development of a small, visual, software product that documents the Economic Price Adjustment (EPA) for longterm contracts. The existing workbook does not provide the flexibility to calculate EPAs where the base-month and the option-month are different. Nor does the workbook provide automated error checking. The small, visual, software product provides the additional flexibility and error checking. This paper presents the feedback to project.
Choosing between the Regression Correlation, the Rank Correlation, and the Correlation Curve
This paper presents a rank correlation curve. The traditional correlation coefficient is valid for both continuous variables and for integer variables using rank statistics. Since the correlation coefficient has already been established in rank statistics by Spearman, such a calculation can be extended to the correlation curve. This paper presents two survey questions. The survey collected non-continuous variables. We will show weak to moderate correlation. Obviously, one question has a negative effect on the other. A review of the qualitative literature can answer which question and why. The rank correlation curve shows which collection of responses has a positive slope and which collection of responses has a negative slope. Such information is unavailable from the flat, "first-glance" correlation statistics.
A Replicated Experiment Used in Manufacturing
Publisher: School of Statistics, Renmin University of China, Journal: Journal of Data Science, Title: A Replicated Experiment Used in Manufacturing, Authors: Roger L. Goodwin , Abstract: Abstract: Controlled experiments give researchers a statistical too...
Load Balancing Run-Times and Space Usage for Computing the Power Set
This paper discusses load balancing the number of sets on multiple processors to compute the power set. The algorithm complexity measures (e.g. run-time and space usage) are merely functions of the load balance.This paper presents two approaches to computing the power set in a parallel environment. Both approaches use different round robin load balancing algorithms. Because of the load balance assignments, both approaches have different production algorithms for computing the power set. This paper covers both the run-time analyses and the space usage analyses of the parallel algorithms. We present mathematical formulas for the space usage analyses.We present a third, non-parallel algorithm for benchmark purposes. The purpose of the algorithm is to give the total amount of space needed to save the power set. The non-parallel algorithm also gives some idea of the maximum run-time an algorithm should take to find any of the sub-sets to the power set on any given processor in a parallel environment.
Class Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Operations Research ...
Editor's Note: In graduate school, it became too cumbersome for me to look-up equations, theorems, proofs, and problem solutions from previous courses. I had three boxes full of notes and was going on my fourth. Due to the need to reference my notes periodically, the notes became more unorganized over time. That's when I decided to typeset them. I have been doing this for over a decade. Later in life, some colleagues asked if I could make these notes available to others (they were talking about themselves). I did. These notes can be downloaded for free from the web site and can be found in the Library of Congress. Note that the beginning of each chapter lists the professor's name and affiliation. Additionally, the course number, the date the course was taken, and the text book are given. The reader may also notice that I have made more use of the page space than in the previous editions of this manuscript. Hence, the book is shorter. If this causes the reader problems, then simply copy the proofs onto a blank sheet of paper --- one line per algebraic manipulation. In this text, I put several algebraic manipulations on one line to save space.
Workload Estimation
Estimating the workload imposed by the US Department of Treasury mandate presented a challenge. The US Department of Treasury (Treasury) mandates that agencies attach the component Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) code to all intra-governmental financial transactions. The US Government Printing Office (GPO) has obligating documents for all their trading partners' contracts. Prior to Fiscal Year 2013, none of the obligating documents requests the component TAS code. Nor do we have the component TAS code stored and retrieved in the system of record. Therefore, estimating the workload imposed by Treasury presents a challenge. This paper will present a Bernoulli random variable as the basis for estimation. To find the additional keying workload per form, we can either use the normal approximation for the binomial distribution or calculate the expected keying workload directly from the binomial. Both approaches will be presented each with a numeric example.
Jefferson County Museum, West Virginia
Halloween party in College Park, MD There were four of us in the costume contest (not all people are visible). Roger Louis Goodwin dressed as Marshmello. Roger lives in Summit Point, WV. We are practicing social distancing and wearing face masks. The host and director (Lena) ensured everybody brought individually wrapped food, candy, and snacks --- no community bowls.
Computing the Power Set
We develop an approach to find the power set of a given set based on creating disjunctive normal form clauses (DNF) and a round robin load balancing algorithm in a parallel computing environment. Given a problem of size n, the DNF algorithms and the round robin load balance, we will compute the entire power set in O[n choose n/2] iterations, concurrently. This reduction in iterations is significantly less than O(2^n) for the sequential algorithms that compute the power set found in Computer Science text books or found in internet searches. The round robin load balance algorithm assigns less than n/2 processors to the power set problem of size n. This paper gives examples to the power set problem for a relatively large set.
PRESS Statistic
The following program calculates the deleted residual (PRESS) statistic in regression using SAS. Instead of using the INFLUENCE option in PROC REG, This program calculates the PRESS statistic by deleting an observation,calculating the residual, then making the final compuation for the sum of the d_i^2's. The program prints the statistic to the output window. The results of this program match those of the SAS system. Precision from this program is more accurate since SAS prints integers only.
Using Taylor's Linearization Technique
Our macro uses BASE/SAS to evaluate the derivatives at the point estimates, then builds the variance-covariance matrix in PROC IML. The evaluated derivatives are read into PROC IML, from which we obtain the variance estimates using simple matrix ultiplication. This paper is intended for people with an interest in BASE/SAS, SAS macros and PROC IML for calculating variance estimates.
Pulitzer Prize | History, Winners, & Facts | Britannica
yeartitleauthor1919The Education of Henry Adams*Henry Adams1920The Life of John Marshall, 4 volAlbert J. Beveridge1922A Daughter of the Middle BorderHamlin GarlandView 106 more rows
Sampling Financial Records
This paper presents an application of the procedure SurveySelect ®. The objective is to draw a systematic random sample from financial data for review. Topics covered in this paper include a brief review of systematic sampling, variable definitions, serpentine sorting, and an interpretation of the output
Calculating the Most Expensive Printing Jobs
As the SAS manual states, the macro facility is a tool for extending and customizing SAS and for reducing the amount of text that the programmer must enter to do common tasks [SAS Institute, (2)]. Programmers use SAS macros for mundane, repetitive tasks. In this application, we present a SAS macro that calculates the top twenty most expensive printing jobs for each Federal agency. Given the request for the top twenty most expensive printing jobs, it became apparent that this request would become repetitive [H. Paulson (1)]. The US Government Printing Office anticipated an increase for financial summaries from government agencies and developed the following SAS macro specifically for Treasury’s request. GPO has contracts with most Federal government agencies to procure print. GPO can produce a report for the top twenty most expensive printing jobs for each Federal agency. This, of course, assumes the agency does business with GPO.
Documenting Relationships in a Set of Reports
A typical tabular business report contains a set of cells. The cells may contain raw numeric values, character labels, and formulas. This paper will present a bottom-up algorithm for visually documenting the cells in a set of tabular reports. The algorithm draws a tree-like structure in a view port. The nodes in the tree can represent the either a raw numeric value or a formula. The arcs in the tree show which nodes share common variables in their respective formulas. In a requirements driven environment, this visual documentation allows the programmer and the system analyst to trace the final programmed reports (i.e.the final product) back to the requirements documentation
Sampling Financial Records
This paper presents an application of the procedure SurveySelect ®. The objective is to draw a systematic random sample from financial data for review. Topics covered in this paper include a brief review of systematic sampling, variable definitions, serpentine sorting, and an interpretation of the output
Comparing Post Positions
In horse racing, at the start of a race, horses line-up in starting gates. The rack track assigns horses and their jockeys their starting gates in advance of a race. We examine the published data from a racetrack to determine if a starting gate is preferred over another. We compare the number of wins across the post positions for sprint races and long distance races using two chi-square distributions. Given the post positions and the number of wins for a given race track, it can be determined that the inner-most and outer-most track positions tend to be preferred over the center track positions.
Ratio Edits
We present documentation for running the GenBounds software which are new SAS® programs for generating the implicit edits from a given set of explicit ratio edits. We have developed two separate programs: one written in SAS/IML® and one written in SAS/OR®. The first program is designed for production processing and the second is designed for edit development. A SAS %Window® interface has been developed which relieves the user of having to remember to set some 45+ macro variables and keyword parameters. This software package includes the following SAS programs: • RatioBndWin --- the %Window interface. • ResBnd_IW --- calculates explicit edits. • BndAnalysiswx --- plots explicit and implicit edits. • GenBndsIML --- calculates implicit edits using SAS/IML. • GenBndsOR --- calculates implicit edits using SAS/OR. • IndAvgWX --- recalculates industry averages. The main focus of this paper and presentation is the calculation of the implied edits. Both programs are submitted using the same macro driver routine, %Implied
Sampling Financial Records
This paper presents an application of the procedure SurveySelect ®. The objective is to draw a systematic random sample from financial data for review. Topics covered in this paper include a brief review of systematic sampling, variable definitions, serpentine sorting, and an interpretation of the output
This presentation shows how to summarize “closed and weighted” estimates of the area frame data using PROC SURVEYMEANS in SAS®. We compared results from PROC SURVEYMEANS with results from the survey summary package used by the agency. Results were surprisingly close. Since the list frame uses similar estimators, this presentation can be extended to estimate those items also. However, the expansion factors will be inherently different. In the area frame, expansion factors are based on segments, whereas, in the list frame, expansion factors are based on farm operators. For documentation on extremely complex SAS software for calculating weights, see Goodwin (2001, 2001, 2002).
Calculating the Most Expensive Printing Jobs
As the SAS manual states, the macro facility is a tool for extending and customizing SAS and for reducing the amount of text that the programmer must enter to do common tasks [SAS Institute, (2)]. Programmers use SAS macros for mundane, repetitive tasks. In this application, we present a SAS macro that calculates the top twenty most expensive printing jobs for each Federal agency. Given the request for the top twenty most expensive printing jobs, it became apparent that this request would become repetitive [H. Paulson (1)]. The US Government Printing Office anticipated an increase for financial summaries from government agencies and developed the following SAS macro specifically for Treasury’s request. GPO has contracts with most Federal government agencies to procure print. GPO can produce a report for the top twenty most expensive printing jobs for each Federal agency. This, of course, assumes the agency does business with GPO.
Comparing Post Positions
In horse racing, at the start of a race, horses line-up in starting gates. The rack track assigns horses and their jockeys their starting gates in advance of a race. We examine the published data from a racetrack to determine if a starting gate is preferred over another. We compare the number of wins across the post positions for sprint races and long distance races using two chi-square distributions. Given the post positions and the number of wins for a given race track, it can be determined that the inner-most and outer-most track positions tend to be preferred over the center track positions.
Using Taylor's Linearization Technique
Our macro uses BASE/SAS to evaluate the derivatives at the point estimates, then builds the variance-covariance matrix in PROC IML. The evaluated derivatives are read into PROC IML, from which we obtain the variance estimates using simple matrix ultiplication. This paper is intended for people with an interest in BASE/SAS, SAS macros and PROC IML for calculating variance estimates.
Elements of Giving - Old Dominion University
Roger L Goodwin made a donation to Old Dominion University in the memory of his brother Richard K. Goodwin. The element selected is Silver (Ag).
Creating a Database to Store Statistics - IEEE Conference Publication
This paper describes the development process used for creating a database to store statistical agricultural data. Deliverables such as the database, a small software product, and documentation are discussed. A project plan was written in advance, discussed by the project team, and approved. Using the framework of the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK), the results were well received by the affected team members
Alternative Replicate Variance Estimators
Our investigation specifically examined how to modify random group and delete-a-group jackknife variance estimators for without replacement samples with nonnegligible sampling fractions and whether the non-response adjustment procedure should be repeated in each replicate. The first issue is discussed in Sections 3 and 6, and the second issue is discussed in Sections 4 and 5. Section 4 provides our empirical results for three key capital expenditures characteristics using 1999 ACES data. The results from this empirical estimation motivated the simulation study described in Section 5. Section 6 describes an appropriate way to use these replication methods to obtain variance estimates for combined ratio or trend estimates for survey designs with non-negligible sampling fractions. Section 7 provides our conclusions
K. J. Thompson, Richard S. Sigman, R. Goodwin | Semantic Scholar
The Annual Capital Expenditures Survey (ACES) collects information about the nature and level of capital expenditures in non-farm companies, organizations, and associations in the United States. ACES uses a one-stage stratified simple random sample without replacement (SRSWOR) design, and sampling fractions in several strata are larger than 0.20. ACES performs weight adjustment for unit non-response and does not perform imputation for item nonresponse. Section 2 describes the ACES sample design and estimation methodology.